Priest and Sinner共万字全文TXT下载,全本免费下载,果冻不不

时间:2024-11-23 05:29 /免费小说 / 编辑:周平
主角叫未知的小说叫《Priest and Sinner》,是作者果冻不不最新写的一本随笔、BE类型的小说,文中的爱情故事凄美而纯洁,文笔极佳,实力推荐。小说精彩段落试读:作者有话要说:下章是单词表,供想学习英文的姐酶们参考。 Sinner: “Father.” Pries...

Priest and Sinner




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《Priest and Sinner》精彩章节


Sinner: “Father.”

Priest: “The church flourishes under your auspices.”Sinner: “I am but yet another lost lamb at your mercy.”Priest: “There are many a consecrated individual who will be willing to shoulder your mortal pains.”Sinner: “Father, I’ve done it again.”

Priest: “The resurgence of faith in our almighty God is directly proportional to the resurgent sedition in this chaotic world.”Sinner: “There was a small fire the other day.”Priest: “Prudery is a sin.”

Sinner: “When is the funeral scheduled?”Priest: “The newly widowed Missus is arranging for a service this Saturday.”Sinner: “Do you think I should come?”

Priest: “Purge your mind, my son.”

Sinner: “It was just a small spark.”

Priest: “Denial is not just a river in Egypt.”Sinner: “I’ll be an avid contributor in the church’s efforts to rid this village of blasphemy.”Priest: “Incendiaries should be the first to go, do you not think?”Sinner: “You should know that I don’t respond well to intimations.”Priest: “I am by no means a vigilante, just a coin-operated confession box.”Sinner: “I’ll donate money to help re-establish the family.”Priest: “Or what’s left of it anyways.”Sinner: “Okay, fine, I burned the house down.”Priest: “And that’s all I’m saying.”




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Priest and Sinner

Priest and Sinner

作者:果冻不不 类型:免费小说 完结: 是
